Tierpark – Zoo / Berlin
Entrance fee: adults 13 €, children 6,50 €, reduced 9 €Dieser Beitrag ist auch verfügbar auf:
There are two zoos in Berlin, Tiergarten and Zoologischer Garten, due to the fact that the city once was divided.
The Tierpark is one of the biggest zoos in Europe. What makes it unique, is that it was established on the former palace garden of Friedrichsfelde. The palace still exists and is integrated in the zoo. It was built in 1695 and is a beautiful, charming building with a pretty garden surrounding it.
The park houses around 8,700 animals in an area of 160 hectares. There is a great variety of species. The Tierpark opened in 1955 and was established as a counterpart to the zoo in the western part of Berlin. The beauty of this place is that it is so big. Here animals often have the chance to live in big, nicely set up enclosures with a lot of space to roam around. Since the Tierpark is very vast, it can take hours to see it all. It is best to decide beforehand what animals are the most interesting for you to see. This zoo is especially famous for its successful elephant breeding. But there are many animals, you can visit the bears, reptiles, zebras, kangaroos and many more. Strolling around this huge zoo is extremely relaxing and peaceful. There are cafés and restaurants that serve refreshments and if you are not up for a long walk, you can also take a little train, which drives through Tierpark.
There is a nice playground for children as well as a petting zoo. You can also watch the feedings every day, except for Fridays.
A truly beautiful place.