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These small, golden stones can be found on many streets in Berlin. You just have to look to the ground and you will see them eventually. They are embedded in the streets und are a reminder of a very dark era in German history.
The artist Gunter Demning initiated this project in 1995. The stumbling stones are located in front of the former residences of the victims of the Nazi regime. Engraved are the names and dates. They are a memorial for the many, many who died by Nazi hands. More than 40.000 stumbling blocks are already serving as reminders of the past in over 17 different European countries. In Berlin there are currently over 5.000 and more are in the making.
If you want to inform yourself about the locations of the stumbling blocks in Berlin or want to research names and information you can do so on the website www.stolpersteine-berlin.de. Please note that currently the website is only in German.